No one considers it overbearing or out of place for a business to require its employees to conform to a dress code. Why then should we be afraid to say that that neatness, decency and modesty in dress, wearing our best according to our means, is the proper attire for Church?
Solid, ethical values that respect and support human life predate the Christian faith. Coming from 5 centuries before Christ, the Hippocratic Oath is one of the oldest binding documents in history.
At a time when some parishes are without priests, the gift of three new priests is a most treasured blessing. We need priests. No priest, no Eucharist. No Eucharist, no Church.
There is sadness and tears as a community that loves Catholic Education so much moves to different homes. It is the passing of an institution that had been able to accomplish its mission.
Here is the meaning of communion in its deepest sense. As Jesus says at the Last Supper, “On that day you will realize that I am in my Father and you are in me and I in you” (Jn 14:20).
The Eucharist is Jesus and He is life eternal in our midst. And when we live Eucharist-centered lives, the Lord’s love touches the broken, heals the hurting and brings life to the world.
With eager eyes, the world had watched the white smoke billow from the Sistine Chapel just ten minutes before the evening Angelus on April 19th. With swift feet, the crowds answered the peals of the bells.
Our new Holy Father now receives directly from Christ himself the same commission he gave to Peter. Like Peter himself, may our new shepherd lead us in following Jesus.
When the new Vicar of Christ greets the world on the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica, no doubt he will meet us with a new name. The name could very well indicate something of the direction he will set for the Church.
Jesus has been raised from the dead. It is Resurrection, not resuscitation. He has not returned to his former earthly life. He has been raised up by the glory of God.
The empty tomb does not give rise to Easter faith. Even in its stillness, it speaks of death. Only the appearances of the Risen Lord move the disciples from despair to faith.
At times it may be all too easy to over spiritualize the gospel story. We need to remember the human element. We cannot forget those who took care of the many needs of Jesus’ mission that are not named in the gospel.
In the story of the Passion, Pilate is not simply the State set against religion. He is not Rome against Jerusalem. Rather Pilate is each one of us who must choose for or against Christ and his gospel.
No Catholic can grow and mature into a faithful disciple of Jesus within the Catholic Church without the proper formation. For the many who attend public schools, our religious education programs, our sacramental preparation programs, the weekly attendance at Mass, and the practice of the family are all necessary to provide an environment for the young to mature as good Catholics.