“Fashion wears out more apparel than the man,” so mused Shakespeare in Much Ado about Nothing, Act III, scene III. But what the bard of Avon said so poetically, the philosopher Heraclitus had said centuries before. Heraclitus (c. 535 –475 B.C.), a contemporary of Pythagoras, Confucius and the Buddha, taught that “no one ever steps in the same river twice.”
On Friday, September 14, Pope Benedict XVI began a three-day trip to Lebanon. As he was arriving in Beirut, in 20 countries all around Lebanon, angry extremists were clenching their fists and shouting anti-American protests. Surging mobs were swarming through city streets across North Africa and the Middle East.
On May 16, 1959, the Saturday Evening Post printed on its front cover a Norman Rockwell illustration entitled “Sunday Morning.” Depicted were a mother and her three children. All were properly dressed and on the way to church.